Springset Gordon Setter Kennels

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The 1935 AKC Standard of the Gordon Setter

The following is copied word for word (even the typos and punctuation)as it appears on the 1935 AKC Standard.  It is this standard that Springset bases its own breeding standards on:

(By courtesy of the Gordon Setter Club of America)


General Impression. – A stylish, rather racy built, medium size, muscular dog of clean setter type, usual length legs and of symmetrical conformation throughout.  Strong fairly short back and short tail, a fine head, clearly lined, intelligent expression, clear colors and straight or slightly waved coat.

Size. – Should height for males 22 inches to 25 inches; for females, 21 inches to 24 inches.

Head. – Deep rather than broad with plenty of brain room, nicely rounded good-sized skull, broadest between the ears.  The head should have a clearly indicated stop.  Below and above the eyes should be lean and the cheek  as narrow as the leanness of the head allows.  The muzzle fairly long with almost parallel lines and not pointed either as seen from above or from the side.  The flews not pendulous but with clearly indicated lips.  The nose big, broad with open nostrils and of black color.

Eyes. – Of fair size, neither too dep set nor too bulging, dark brown, bright and wise.

Ears. – Set low on the head, fairly large and thin.

Neck. – Long, lean, arched to the head and without throatiness.

Shoulders. – Long shoulder blades, lying close to the chest and not going above the back line of the neck.

Chest. – Deep and not too broad in front; the ribs well spring leaving plenty of lung room.

Forelegs – Big boned, straight not bowed either in or out with elbows free, well let down and not inclined either in or out.

Hindlegs. – The hindlegs from hip to hock should be long, flat and muscular, from hock to heel short and strong.  The stifle and hock joints well bent, and not inclined either in or out.

Feet. – Both fore and hind feet should have close knit, well-arched toes with plenty of hair between with full toe pads and deep heel cushions.

Tail. – Short and should not reach below the hocks, carried horizontal or nearly so, thick at the root and finishing in a fine point.  The feather, which starts near the root of the tail should be straight, have a three-square appearance, growing shorter uniformly toward the end.

Coat. – Should be soft and shining, resembling silk, straight or slightly waved but not curly, with long hair on ears, under the stomach and on chest, on back of the fore and hindlegs down to the feet.

Color and Markings. – Deep, shining, coal black with tan markings, either of rich chestnut or mahogany red color.  The tan should be shining and not dull, yellowish nor straw color and not mixed with black hairs.  Black penciling allowed on toes.  The border lines between black and tan colors should be clearly defined.  There should not be any tan hairs mixed in the black.

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